Buy Ambien Canada Our latest album “UKULAR POWER” is available now on CD in the Ukular store BUY NOW Our finest collection of songs to date on limited edition violet CD! You can also bag your copy at a gig from our merch stall! Read the review from Cool Cat...
India Ambien Online UKULAR POWER ARRIVES SOON!!! High energy, ukulele from the Pioneers of Ukular fusioN Get the latest album from the Mother Ukers ukulele band on special, limited edition compact disc at Ukulele Festival of Scotland 2018 this weekend! The Mother Ukers ukulele band Christmas Song Santa’s Christmas Ukulele Song is now available on itunes for everyone to enjoy. You can download this top Christmas tune here Also... The Mother Ukers ukulele band, have been nominated for an award, from Ukulele Magazine awards, as best ukulele live act. We are very honoured, to be nominated alongside our friends of the ukulele world, for this prestigious award! It’s up to you folks to vote,...
Join the pioneers of Ukular Fusion, for May Day Bank Holiday FUN & RUM, at Bournemouth finest Cosy Club, on Sunday 1st May. Travel back in time, and take advantage of some delicious Rum and Cocktail promotions, at Rum Diddly! The timeless ukulele troubadours, are... Aruba #CiderFest is back! Sunday 27th March – Sunday 3rd April 2016 Cider lovers unite for this is a week not be missed! Kick off the start to spring, the onset of sunny days and loving all things local with the return of the Aruba Cider Festival in Bournemouth!...
The Mother Ukers ukulele band are exited to be invited to entertain the crowds and heroes at Sport Relief 2016, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Sunday 20th March. The Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Games are back at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Sunday 20th March and it’s...
A big thank you to all who chipped in and sponsored a Mother Uker in the 2015 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride in Bournemouth on Sunday 27th Sept 2015. Thanks to your kind donations we raised over £450 for the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride charity which...